Videos for Melinda Fell

· Blog, Client Videos

$4-5k bandwidth – Jonathan Reeve

This is a great way to kick off a speaking career or rebrand. It established IP and skill in a concise manner while also keeping the cost contained.

We’re working on a few social media follow up piece at the moment to support the engagement and revive leads generated through LinkedIn.


5-7k bandwidth – Beth Jennings – What I See

This kind of piece is geared toward building connection and positioning. It requires a longer term involvement, but it yields a piece that will last 4-5 years.

In your case I would recommend adding a follow up piece with some more detail on your process; having segmented pieces generally gets better click through and engagement as they appeal to different drivers; emotional connect vs trust in the process.



Other examples

Ellis Moorman

This is part of a small scale social media campaign.



Kerrie Murphy

This is on the lower end of the scale; about 4-5k.






Written by robert · · Blog, Client Videos
NextCI 2017 Videos