Hi Shelley, Good to chat yesterday, sounds like an exciting and fun clip! Here are some examples of videos relevant to your project.
An example of the production value we can offer https://vimeo.com/53917508 password: ‘hwp’
Here’s a video we created for the TED X conference. You could take the angle of taking a big idea so people can connect to the idea and your brand. http://vimeo.com/67529500
An example of how we approach staff profiles. https://vimeo.com/99794385
Here’s an example of how you can share the fundamental principle of what your business brings to the table. In this case it’s lawyers talking about the value of advice. Right people, right advice https://vimeo.com/99220941 What is good advice? https://vimeo.com/98252752
Locl promo https://vimeo.com/100082417 Dejan 30 sec You can say a lot in 30 seconds; it’s not just the information but also the non verbal that mattters. http://vimeo.com/55741516
Here’s a brand that does a great job connecting local community and purpose to a brand that lives their promise. http://vimeo.com/40440053
Sometimes simplicity is key in telling a story about a big idea. https://vimeo.com/85152591
Here’s a way to approach your client testimonials http://vimeo.com/42601926