Short Takes: How To Live Your Brand

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April’s Short Takes is all about Brand and Behaviour. With three Keynote speakers and a stage-discussion, this promises to be an interesting and enlightening evening! This time our speakers will be presenting stories about the peculiarities of Australian business culture, as well as business etiquette, and personal branding. The word etiquette is not commonly used these days, but encompasses most aspects of social interaction in any society, and is vital in business interactions. It may sound like common sense, but how you and your staff behave sends out signals regarding your status and intentions, and it’s vital to be aware and in control of these messages. Click here to secure your spot. Here are our speakers

Michael Jones

Michael is a lecturer at the University of Wollongong, with a doctorate on management, looking at career commitment and motivation. He has been researching Australian business behaviour in relation to behavioural customs in other countries. His experience is not just based on books. After working in both commercial and private enterprise, and completing training as an Electronics Engineer with the Department of defence, Michael started his own company, employing several staff, manufacturing, importing and exporting electronic systems. Michael has been lecturing and tutoring management subjects at UoW since 2002.

Danielle Di-Masi

Danielle Di-Masi is a consultant and columnist on business etiquette and personal brand.   She is passionate about helping businesses improve their image, through guiding how staff perform and behave. Her motto is, when you are confident with business etiquette and appropriate behaviours, you are then able to concentrate on the important things in your business. Behaviour and succes are strongly connected, so it makes sense to pay some attention to this oft overlooked subject.  

Evelyn Lundström

Evelyne is managing director of First Impressions Image Training & Consulting.   She believes that in our world today, we are dominated by visual images, and are inclined to believe the evidence of our eyes. Companies invest huge dollars in corporate branding, but forget how important it is that individual employees reflect their brand values. Evelyn is a past President of, and current VP Member of Sydney Chapter Association of Image Consultants International. She co-authored ‘Executive Style’ (Prentice Hall) and is currently writing a book on ‘How Not To Do Old’ – the definitive book on ways to stay young.

So start living your brand!

So join us on at Short Takes to be inspired and gain new insights in ‘How to Live your Brand’. When: 4 April 2012 Time: 6.30 pm – 9.00 pm Where: Hunting with Pixels, Level 1, 270 King Street, Newtown, 2042 Price: $ 20.00 (including drinks and fingerfood)

Click on the link below to book:

Our Event        

Written by robert · · Blog
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