Jon Holloway is managing director at TCO and has some very interesting insights in the state of advertising. Here’s how Jon sums up his attitude towards advertising:
“Hate the word social media, hate the way media is planned and sold, hate marketing BS, dislike talkers with no action, hate the word innovation, love just taking a risk and trying stuff.”
What we love about Ignite is that you get around ten presentation in one night, most of which pack as much information as the average 45 minute keynote but now you’re not sitting in a conference centre trying to not nod off. Instead, you’re in the very rock and roll Oxford Art Factory with instant access to a bar. Much, much better.
We’re video sponsors for Ignite. Why? Because we just love the event. We would have been there anyway, we just bring along a camera or two. Check out the line up of the next Marketing Ignite, it’s going to be interesting! Pop by an say hello/ have a beer with us in the break: