Videos and case studies for Kate Forster

· Client Videos

Hey Kate,

Following up on our conversation last week, here are some examples of work and ideas around approach that I hope you’ll find useful.

Our approach – we’re a people company

What Hunting With Pixels loves doing is turning a message into authentic, conversational content.

We put a lot of focus on the interviewees so that we capture the magic moments where someone light up or is comfortable about being authentic.

Too often, video is approached from a technology point of video; lights, camera, action. We’re interesting in the action bit;

How can we optimise what people feel, say and do before we press the red button?

Tell a story around the event – TEDx

I loved working on this video for TEDx because we added a story to the highlights video.

Instead of just showing just the best bits of the event, we followed the speakers on their journey; what did they hope to achieve? What happened on the day? Next year we plan on adding a piece around what happened to their lives because they did a TED talk.

The highlights video is currently on the TEDx website and is tracking at 30.000+ views.

Could we tell the stories around your client’s events?

We could use video to tell story because around how your client interacts with community,  interviewing both key stake holders and community so they both describe what these events and interactions ultimately achieve. What conversations did we have? What change did we make?

This could also be a great way to bring the work that FutureEye does to life.

Non Profit Alliance

This is part of a series of member interview we did for the Non Profit Alliance.

We got some great stories and insights in quite spontaneous interviews. We believe in the power of authenticity; instead of being too controlling about the stories we allow for interviewees bringing their own ideas and values to the table, while also ensure we get the key messages communicated.

The content of these interviews was the basis for a membership campaign that grew the organisation 40% in less than a year.


Creating a quick 1 minute follow up

Nothing says ‘We hear you’ more than almost immediate follow up and connection after the event.

Could the 1 minute follow up be applied to your clients events, where they could pick some key areas of discussion and collate these in a follow up video within 2-3 days of the event?


One minute thought starter for social media

These are spontaneous interviews with speakers and influencers of TEDx. This content was used in the run up to the event, starting conversations and sparking debate.

It resulted in 120.000+ views overall and a significant increase in traffic to the side.

This could be a powerful way to engage the community where people voice their excitement and their worries about the project beforehand?

Financial Counselling Australia

This is an example of a low impact way of interviewing community members, in this financial counsellors who work in rural areas and the Northern Territory.

Creative Innovation

A more themes based approach to a highlights video.

Written by robert · · Client Videos
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